Unarchive the mcfold.tar.gz file, create the mcfold directory, which contains the MCFOLD-DB directory and mcfold.static.exe file. Launch MC-Fold: ./mcfold.static.exe This will return all options. QUERY_STRING and most useful options: Input is done through the shell's environment variable QUERY_STRING. For example: setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=CCCGAAAGGG" Useful options: *** pseudoknotted, pseudoknot option setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&pseudoknotted=true" *** top, number of sub-optimal solutions setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&top=100" *** explore, percent of suboptimal search space setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&explore=15" *** name, sequence name option setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&name=HCV_seq03" *** mask, base pairing and single-stranded constraints setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&mask=(**(..)**)" *** convert, consider single-stranded bases as unconstrained setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=...&convert=true" To see all options, unset the QUERY_STRING variable and run the program, ./mcfold.static.exe Notes: MC-Fold accesses it's databases through the open instruction: open( MCFOLD-DB/* ) so make sure that the MCFOLD-DB folder is accessible from where MC-Fold is launched. We suggest you redirect the output to a file; ./mcfold.static.exe > HCV_seq03.data Here is an example, where the secondary structure has been first obtained with RNAfold (Hofacker. NAR 2003), then submitted to MC-Fold with the secondary structure as constraints: setenv QUERY_STRING "pass=lucy&sequence=UGCCUGGCGGCCUUAGCGCGGUGGUCCCACCUGACCCCAUGCCGAACUCAGAAGUGAAACGCCGUAGCGCCGAUGGUAGUGUGGGGUCUCCCCAUGCGAGAGUAGGGAACUGCCAGGCAU&mask=((((((((((.........((((....)))).((((((((((.....(((....)))...(((((.......))))).))))))))))..(((.(((....))))))..)))))))))).&convert=true&explore=7&name=5S_rRNA" ./mcfold.static.exe > 5S_rRNA.data Do not hesitate to send questions to: Francois Major: major@iro.umontreal.ca Marc Parisien: parisien@iro.umontreal.ca Citing MC-Fold: Parisien M, Major F. Nature (2008) 452:51-55.